Switch-Asia project Promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy generation in the community-based tourism sector in Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan)
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED)
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan
06/2020 - 01/2023
Client type:
Development cooperation
Service type:
Strategy and Planning

Services provided:

  • Development of a regional branding and marketing strategy for ecotourism in Central Asia
  • two -day training for marketing ecotourism for local tourism players
  • two -day training on sustainability standards for local tourism players
  • workshops for the development of eco-standards for CBT providers
  • pilot analysis of CBT providers regarding their eco-performance
  • Capacity Building Workshops for the implementation of eco-standards for local tourism players
  • Selection of a European eco-certification body and negotiation of a partnership
  • Implementation of a feasibility study for a green tourism promotion event in Central Asia
  • Study trip to Germany for a tour of green CBT offers and 3-day train-the-trainer course for 15 CBT providers
  • Technical support in ITB participation